Monday, April 21, 2014

Why India?

The short answer: Why not?

The long answer: I just don't feel like I know enough about the country outside of the food and Indiana Jones.

This country holds one of the Earth's oldest civilizations and the country itself has always held an exotic air of mystery about it. I don't know how else to put it other than that.

As the days creep closer to departure, I am thinking about the number of shots I need and medical care I'll have to have before departure. I plan on bringing mosquito spray, a mosquito net, a water filter, and an open mind. I am going to want to experience the local cultures and behaviors. I know as a big guy and a Texan I'm going to stand out a bit, but I'd like to see how things are done and learn things about their schools, sports, free time, etc. I just want to learn!!!!

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