Thursday, July 17, 2014

This is Dr. Singh. He is the former Indian attache to UNESCO. We had to spend a few hours with him as he briefed us on Indian history and culture. It was very enlightening to hear his take on the subject matter. As he was discussing the diversity of India being one of the common bonds for the country, I kept thinking about home and how Texas fit that description. Texas is diverse, Texans disagree with Texans, but we are also okay with the disagreement and (in my opinion) seem to relish the chance for a spirited debate and the opportunity to disagree and challenge another's view on life. I really enjoyed my time listening to him if you could not tell.

A big piece of the TGC professional development that stuck with me is based on the dangers of a single story. In dealing with issues that arise from diversity, I have now gained a greater appreciation that it is just not a Texas thing, or even an American thing but it is part of the human experience. The more I am able to see how people handle their issues that arise from this particular conundrum, I will be able to better go back to my classroom to work with the various issues and problems that my students bring to the table. 

Photo: This is Dr. Singh. He is the former Indian attache to UNESCO. We had to spend a few hours with him as he briefed us on Indian history and culture. It was very enlightening to hear his take on the subject matter. As he was discussing the diversity of India being one of the common bonds for the country, I kept thinking about home and how Texas fit that description. Texas is diverse, Texans disagree with Texans, but we are also okay with the disagreement and (in my opinion) seem to relish the chance for a spirited debate and the opportunity to disagree and challenge another's view on life. I really enjoyed my time listening to him if you could not tell.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good start to your experience! I hope all is going well.
    ~ Jennifer, Colombia group
